Create, Explore & Discover

Green Tree Admission

Parent-Teacher-Child Collaborations

The relationships established between children and families is vital to maintaining a high quality program. Research has concluded, the effects of parent involvement contributes to children’s social emotional development as well as later school success in the primary years. Green Tree Community School firmly believes in establishing partnerships with families and we work hard to ensure each family is represented in our program. This system creates a sense of belonging which builds community within our program.

When families are enrolled they understand that part of our program requires their expertise as we believe that they are first teachers of their child(ren). Being fully immersed in the Reggio philosophy, parent collaboration is vital to our approach. We have developed numerous opportunities for parents to have an active voice in our program as well as open positions to serve in the committees that we offer. The parents contribute far beyond direct volunteering in the classroom and we offer the following: Education Committee, Fit Club Committee, Fundraising, School Maintenance, and Special Events Team.